so the school years been pretty busy for me... and i am a very picky person when it comes to my own personal work.... normally i wont post something if im not too happy with it but i have to say.... i thoroughly enjoyed this working on this piece... there are still three other parts to this piece and its still not done but i thought i would post up the line work for it and get some feed back.... and yes im planning to fix the little lady below the gorilla... well... enjoy and ill be posting more stuff in the coming weeks... and feed back is welcome
Cool man! I saw some discarded xeroxes of this yesterday by the copy machine but didn't know it was yours. Nice stuff dude!
Nice!! This is looking good man! finally a post ha ha
wow idk what that is but it looks soo cool!
i want to see the final :)
richi you finally post something!!!!! yayyy!
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